This year we set up our Student Council.
It was open to classes from 4th - 6th.
We applied in writing to Mrs.Russell the Student Council coordinator and said why we would like to be on the Council. We also said what qualities we could bring to the group.
We really enjoyed being on the Student Council and working to make the school a better place!
We wrote thank you cards, made suggestion boxes to see what we can improve on in our school and we also designed a Student Council crest.
5th class Student council.
It was open to classes from 4th - 6th.
We applied in writing to Mrs.Russell the Student Council coordinator and said why we would like to be on the Council. We also said what qualities we could bring to the group.
We really enjoyed being on the Student Council and working to make the school a better place!
We wrote thank you cards, made suggestion boxes to see what we can improve on in our school and we also designed a Student Council crest.
5th class Student council.